Chinese Textiles and Clothing Culture Center

The collection comprising more than 10,000 pieces of Taiwan Aborigines, Chinese Majorities and Chinese Ethnic Minorities, including textiles, costumes, accessories, related materials and tools serves as teaching, research, creative resources for the Dept.

Chinese Clothing Through the Ages
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Women and Clothing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) | Episode 3 | Chinese Clothing Through the Ages
歷代中國服飾三 | 唐朝 The Tang dynasty (618-907 AD) is famous for being a period that embraced diverse cultures and looser…

Women and Clothing in Early Medieval China (220-589 AD) | EP2 | Chinese Clothing Through the Ages
歷代中國服飾二 | 魏晉南北朝 The legendary Ballad of Mulan originated in a time of great cultural and political upheaval. What would…

Women and Clothing in Early Imperial China (770BC-220AD) | EP1 | Chinese Clothing Through the Ages
歷代中國服飾一 | 春秋戰國秦漢 More than two thousand years ago in ancient imperial China (which refers to the Spring-Autumn period, the…

Reconstructing Late Qing Clothing – Seaming the Past | Episode 1 | Refashioning Culture
系列名稱:Refashioning Culture 影片名稱:Reconstructing Late Qing Clothing – Seaming the Past | Episode 1 Description What did Chinese women wear in…

中華服飾文化中心 輔仁大學織品服裝學系 Chinese Textiles and Clothing Culture Center The collection comprising more than 10,000 pieces of Taiwan Aborigines, Chinese Majorities…