The Big-Data and Consumer Behavior 大數據與消費者行為

Course ID: G0R6035954

Course Title: The Big-Data and Consumer Behavior

Instructor Name: WANG,HUI-WEN/Jackie Wang 王慧雯

Credit: 2

Course Type: Elective

Session: Fri./ D5-D6

Classroom: TC513

Course Objective:

1. Please provide a medical certificate for sick leave. If you have to go out due to private affairs, please show the counselor’s notice. 2. Arriving more than 30 minutes late will be considered an absence. 3. Please keep your mobile phone on silent during class and do not use your mobile phone during class. 4. The mid-term and final reports account for 30% and 40% respectively, the usual homework grades are 15%, and the attendance and course participation are 15%.

Course Outline: