Course ID: G0R6235946
Course Title: Special Topics on the Practice of Brand Management
Instructor Name: LIN, DON KUO-DUNG 林國棟
Credit: 2
Course Type: Elective
Session: Mon./ D1-D2
Classroom: TC513
Course Objective:
The Practice of Brand and Management Lead by Workshop aims to cultivate students to immerse into brainstorming , teamwork, practical skill ,intensive learning atmosphere through interaction and supervision by invited guest speakers from fashion industry. Approaching to establish students’ brand awareness and its’ relationship to design as well as innovation ,also marketing strategies. The course will come with emphasis on both brand strategy as well as brand communication plans. The course will begin with an introduction of powerful brands and study the prerequisite to good branding across sectors from service to consumer goods ,then will be ended up by final presentation and group criticism to complete workshop based of course.
Course Outline: https://outline.fju.edu.tw/#/outLineSearch/outlineView/700900/1028